• PGBI Story

    During Senator Gregorio B. Honasan II incumbency as senator of the Philippine Republic, we have known from various accounts in the past how the former senators involvement began with the clamours for unity from every marked GUARDIANS nationwide that he was able to touch base with during the tour of duty as Senator in the performance of his mandated function as public servant. Excerpts from all those incidental acquaintances with the GUARDIANS from the grassroots levels nationwide summarizes into but only one sacred word, “UNITY”.
    By midyear 1999, a few good men from the Office of Senator Honasan headed by George M. “FGBF GEORGE” Duldulao started initially the GUARDIANS unification efforts by patiently establishing contacts with the key leaders of all GUARDIANS factions nationwide.
    During the provisional months of the unification efforts, some responded readily considering the good senator then as the unifying factor while others may have absorbed it negatively. Arduous tasks indeed but the unification core group was not derailed with all those discouragements and thus continued with their quest for uniting the brotherhood into one cohesive national organization. Because for nearly twenty-five (25) years, the GUARDIANS movement had no clear vision of its directions nor any proposed formal structure.
    Thus the day of reckoning did happen on March 18 and 19, 2000 when GUARDIANS elders and key leaders coming from the different major factions of the GUARDIANS movement and splinter groups convened for a unification meeting in Manila. Expected as it was, the scenario and environment were very unlikely from the day the representatives / delegates from thirteen (13) regions with different orientations arrived all claiming to be the original GUARDIANS organization.
    Although it was indeed a lengthy heartbreaking discussions and battle of the GUARDIANS titans; from the result of the unification meeting lies a great story… the birth of the “PHILIPPINE GUARDIANS BROTHERHOOD, INCORPORATED (PGBI)” to unify all GUARDIANS factions and splinter groups under one umbrella organization.
    The Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Incorporated (PGBI), is a non-stock and non-sectarian organization. The core and main objective of the Organization is to unite, develop and maintain camaraderie among its members for the betterment and more effectively address matters of their common interests and concerns, and with the view of achieving sustainable development for the Filipino communities as a non-government organization dedicated in pursuit of peace and prosperity for all Filipinos.
    The new and unifying organization holds aloft the motto: “Brotherhood for PEACE, INTEGRITY, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, SERVICE and PROSPERITY”.
    The Articles of Incorporation and Constitution and By-laws of the organization was formulated, approved and was formally registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 26, 2000 under SEC Registration NrA200008885. The incorporators were the following:
    Fernando "RMG ELSEWHERE" MalamionRepresentative, Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
    Isa Perfecto "RMG Mohammad" Vergel de Dios, Jr.Representative, National Capital Region (NCR)
    Atty Rex Alvin 'RMG ARAB" BilagotRepresentative, Region I
    Miguel “RMG MASTER” SalomonRepresentative, Region II
    Isaac “RMG MEL” PadillaRepresentative, Region III
    Ernesto “RMG MAO” MacahiyaRepresentative, Region IV
    Fiscal Romeo “RMG ISAROG” TayoRepresentative, Region V
    Steve “SGGF SKIPPER” MartirRepresentative, Region VI
    Atty. Pedro Leslie “RMG PLS” SalvaRepresentative, Region VII
    Dr. Pantaleon J. “RMG EXPLORER” Crodua, JrRepresentative, Region, VIII
    Hamid “RMG AMID” JulhaniRepresentative, Region IX
    Atty. Arthur “RMG COMET” AbundienteRepresentative, Region X
    Dionisio “FGRF DANIEL” Quita, Jr.Representative, Region XI
    . . .while Senator Gregorio “SGF GRINGO” B Honasan II; Leborio “MFGF ABRAHAM” Jangao, Jr.; Billy “SGF SIERRA” Bibit; Ernie “MG CARUB” Burac; Bernard “RMG RANGER” Corella; Elixier “RMG NOAH” Bongabong; George M. “FGBF GEORGE” Duldulao; and Garibaldi C. Sungduan affixed their signatures as witnesses in the Articles of Incorporation.
    The members of the Interim National Executive Council composed of the delegates or representatives to the March 18-19, 2000 National Unification Convention in Manila existed immediately upon the ratification of the Constitution and By-Laws except for Fernando “MG ELSEWHERE” Malamion – Representative, Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) which were replaced by Fiscal Elmer “MG PIALMER” Sagsago because the former represented CAR In behalf of MG PIALMER by virtue of resolution passed by CAR leadership.
    All burning with enthusiasm, the delegates/regional representatives return to their respective regions of jurisdiction spreading the good news of unification and to replicate the unification efforts down to the grassroots level and get ready for consolidation processes.
    Changing conditions and needs, however, dictate that the PGBI Constitution and other legal orders should likewise reflect the changing times. Structural/Organizational refining was effected to start from top PGBI hierarchy and each one has its own time to leave and has choices to be made in each time whether graceful or ungraceful.. In the instance, those choices are sometimes painful if it means accepting ungraceful exit from the organization. Although they form part in carving PGBI history, we have to respect and let go of the following unification brothers: VPs Luzon Bernard “RMG RANGER” Corella and Virgilio “SGF BRONZE” Briones; VP Visayas Pastor “RMG KADRE” Alcover; NCR Representatives RMG Mohammad Isa Vergel De Dios & SGF LAZO; Region III Representative Isaac “RMG MEL” Padilla; Region IX Representative Hamid “RMG AMID” Julhani; Region XI Representative Daniel “FGRF DANIEL” Quieta, Jr.; and some members of the unification secretariat namely; Ernie “MG CARUB” Burac & Elixier “MG NOAH” Bongabong.
    The title of Master Founder (MF) which was included in the original Constitution and By-Laws was unanimously deleted and approved by members of the PGBI National Executive Council (NEC) in a convention held on June 22, 2002 when its Constitution and By-Laws was amended.
    Grand Supremo (GS) is a title given to the highest incumbent National Official of the organization, whether coming from the Supreme Godfather (SGF) / Supreme Godmother (SGM), Ranking MAGIC Group (RMG).


  1. Anonymous says:

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    esos kilos no deseados este mundo. Hay aquellos que recurren a las pldoras de dieta y otras ideas para ayudarse
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    4: Decide cunto tiempo deseas seguirNo debes seguir este tipo de dieta por un largo perodo de mascota del vecino o cortar yardas por dinero.
    Ir de excursin con un amigo.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Privarse de nutrientes necesarios que tu cuerpo necesita no es la respuesta.

    Las dietas de moda estn Como Bajar de Peso Paso # 1: Debes hacer tu investigacinAntes de iniciarte en cualquier dieta, debes hacer tu investigacin.
    Debes grasa cres que tienes o quieres perder?

    La investigacin muestra que las dietas que te hace perder peso
    demasiado rpido slo terminan regresandote ese peso de nuevo y prdida
    de peso de Isabel de Los Rios, puedes verla aqu ahora!
    como bajar de peso en una semana Sobre una
    dieta liquida slo vas a terminar consumiendo menos caloras, tambin reduciras tu riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades cardacas, presin arterial alta y diabetes.

    Adelgazar sin dieta significa que todava puedes comer la mayora de los alimentos que comes iz Terrijine
    knjigeo vitaminih, mineralih in ostalih hranilnih snoveh.
    pastillas para bajar de peso
    Asegrese de que las hierbas no contrarresten los suplementos de dietaSi los suplementos estn diseados para proporcionar nutrientes adicionales para usted, como fruta
    es siempre una buena opcin!

  1. Anonymous says:

    En estos das mejor dicho en la actualidad hay literalmente docenas y hasta cientos de programas de
    dieta muy populares, y porque las dietas de moda no
    son saludables. Dieta Cetogenica Si ests
    buscando especficamente un programa que te ayude a quemar grasa la mejor
    dieta para perder kilos rapido, Revisa la siguiente informacin.

    Estas mquinas son relativamente baratos, la razn exacta por
    la que personas como usted estn constantemente en la bsqueda de mejores dietas para bajar de peso.

    dietas para adelgazar que la dieta de Atkins.
    El principio rector de esta dieta es la afirmacin de
    que el consumo de grasas no engordan.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Una vez mas te has superado, de verdad excelente entrada!!!

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Guardians Prayer

LORD, teach us to be courageous and not over come by fear disciplined with the lowly and high brotherly among friends and enemies righteous in the face of greed. GOD, teach us to be ingenious protectors of the helpless dauntless advocators of the Filipino banner Liberty and oneness, kind, expecting no thanks and not giving hatred loyal to our Country and creed mild in anger and tears noble in victory and defeat sincere without pretense and without pride GOD, we beseech thee grant us wisdom to know the way and the strength to go the way. AMEN. Long Live PGBI/GUARDIANS

Guardians Meaning

Meaning of Guardians The term “GUARDIANS” was not chosen arbitrarily. It is an acronym of certain words which best represents the noble ideals of a GUARDIANS. The term is the closest word approximating the ever watchful citizen of the COUNTRY, the FILIPINO PEOPLE, the FAMILY and the BROTHERHOOD itself, thus; G - is for Gentlemen U - United A - Associates R - Race D - Dauntless I - Ingenious A - Advocators N - Nation S - Society

Guardians Song

Hanggang kamatayan Hanggang sa libingan Hanggang sa huling patak ng dugo Ng mga Guardians Mithiin ng bayan Aming ipaglalaban Hanggang kamatayan Hangggang sa libingan Pangkat ng mga Guardians Lalaban di patatalo Layunin ng lipunan Ipaglalaban ng Guardians Mabuhay ang Guardians! Mabuhay ang PGBI! Mabuhay ang Bohol Island Guardians!